COVID 19 Updates

Players, Coaches, Managers and Parents please review the information and updates regularly regarding Covid-19 safety measures both for Souris Ringette and for Ringette PEI as a whole.


Covid/Vax Pass Reminder - Souris Ringette (October 19/21)

On-Ice Cohort (coaches, players, managers, volunteers and officials)

  • They may enter the rink 30 minutes before their ice time and go directly to their dressing room.
  • Masks are mandatory; players may remove them when they put on their helmets.
  • Players 18 years of age or younger are not required to show their Vax Pass/Photo ID.
  • Coaches, managers, volunteers, officials and support staff must show their Vax Pass + photo ID.
  • They must exit through the door next to the bleachers within 15 minutes after their ice time ends (PLEASE do not exit through the lobby/canteen)

For Spectator Cohort:

  • A Vax Pass is required for ages 12 and older (12-year-olds have a 3 month grace period from their birthday).
  • A Vax Pass and photo ID ARE required for anyone 19 and older.
  • A Vax Pass is NOT required for children 11 and under.
  • Masks are required for all ages 5 and older.
  • Spectators are NOT allowed to mingle with the dressing room or on-ice cohort.
  • Spectators may enter 10 minutes before the scheduled ice time (provided all spectators from the previous ice time have left the rink). Please do not arrive early.
  • Spectators must exit the rink through the door next to the bleachers. (PLEASE do not exit through the lobby/canteen).
  • Photos of your Vax Pass and photo ID will be accepted. Suggestion: take a picture of your Vax Pass with your photo ID and save it to your phone.

Teams can keep a Vax Pass log for consistent spectators. Once the managers and Covid representatives for each team are determined, the logs can be created. Including your information in the log is entirely voluntary; no one is required to consent to have their vaccination status logged. Managers will explain the purpose and use of the log before implementing it.

According to RPEI, "Players, coaches, officials, volunteers and spectators who need proof of vaccination should always be prepared to present their Vax Pass and photo ID, even if they are verified on the team's log, in case problems arise or misunderstandings occur."

Please be patient and kind with EKSP rink staff and volunteers from SR!

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